"Within the machine, sounds could be heard; not merely valves hissing and gears grinding on metal... but moans of ecstasy, the ingestion of sex and the ramblings of mad folk. It became apparent then: it all housed lust incarnate."
Lust Incarnate or Reincarnatum is an intricate clockwork comic-creating device that houses two booths, inhabited by Dee 'Duski' Loveless and Miguel Guerreiro Lourenço. It is comprised of many ever-moving parts, ranging from inspiration-holding containers to electrical "motivators" that keeps them creating.

Tales speak of the subjects building the machine around them, vying for shelter from far-flung aberrations that sought to consume their minds and bodies. Others whisper of eldritch facsimiles pretending to be Human, yet bound by distant souls yearning for licentious connections.
However many stories about Lust Incarnate Comics' beginnings you hear or read, however cryptic, all contain the same unquestionable truth...